Friday, September 08, 2006


One of the difficulties I have in Blogging about the Cello Lessons is that for most of it, I am not actually there. I come home and Riley says "The Teacher said..." so I put that in the blog. What she sometimes means, but doesn't say, is "The Teacher agreed to..." This morning, she read what I had written and wanted to point out that it was her idea to have another mini-lesson soon if the Maestro would act like a boy.

When she tells me, it's information. The Teacher DID say that we could do that. I think that when I blog it, she figures it's supposed to be a narrative of what occured. Is that to protect the reputation of the Teacher if Riley's idea goes poorly? I don't know. Anyway, sometimes what I report here is the consensus result or expectation, and not what was actually said by Riley, the Teacher, The Maestro, or Gourmand the GastroGnome, in the words or the order they said it.

This is the same thing that happened with my "RockStar" comment.

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